1. The common salt is a great way to get your teeth whitening. Use this instead of your paste at least twice a week for the best effects. Be sure that you rinse your mouth often so you would swallow any salt.

2. Avoid too much starchy foods as well as acid causing foods. Eat more saliva creating foods such as apples, sugar cane, guavas, cucumbers, celery, etc. The effect... of this food would not only be on the teeth but also on your digestive system since these would give you the much needed fiber that aids digestion.

3. Mix baking soda with enough hydrogen peroxide to make a toothpaste like consistency, says Dr. Levin, then brush stains away. Be sure not to use too much peroxide, as it can cause burning.

4. After every meal, rinse the food from your teeth, says Dr. Maitland. If you can't get to a restroom, pick up your water glass, take a swig, then rinse and swallow at the table.

5. Mouthwashes that have an antibacterial action will reduce stain catching plaque, says Dr. Featherstone.

6. Rubbing the bark of walnut tree will also help to remove teeth stains.

7. Rub teeth with the inner white part of an orange peel for a lovely white shine.

8. Brush your teeth with apple cider vinegar every night.

9. Rub the paste made of half teaspoon of bi carbonate and soda on your teeth.

10. Drink water after eating any food or beverage like coffee or blueberries that causes stains. Water will help in preventing stains from accumulating.
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